上原さゆり最新番号 泰勒 ▪ 斯威夫特提前购入色情和成东说念主网站域名
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上原さゆり最新番号 泰勒 ▪ 斯威夫特提前购入色情和成东说念主网站域名

发布日期:2024-08-29 13:35    点击次数:166

上原さゆり最新番号 泰勒 ▪ 斯威夫特提前购入色情和成东说念主网站域名

泰勒 ▪ 斯威夫特提前购入色情和成东说念主网站域名上原さゆり最新番号

Starting June 1, anyone will be able to purchase domains ending in .sucks, .adult, .porn, and hundreds of other options, with new suffixes released every month. So to protect Taylor Swift's name and brand, the singer's team has reportedly already purchased TaylorSwift.porn and TaylorSwift.adult.6月1日起,东说念主们便不错购买以.suck、.adult、.porn等收尾的几百个域名地址了,而每个月王人会有新的域名后缀发布。传奇为了保护泰勒•斯威夫特的名字和品牌,这位歌手的团队还是购买了“泰勒•斯威夫特质情网”和“泰勒•斯威夫特成东说念主网”两个网站的域名。

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers -- the nonprofit group behind this expansion of generic top-level domains, or gTLDs -- is allowing public figures and companies to get ahead of the game by purchasing domains before they open to the public.非渔利组织“互联网称呼与数字地址分拨机构(ICANN)”是这次通用顶级域名(gTLDs)延迟的发起者,该组织允许公世东说念主物和公司先于庸俗公共购买域名。

"For example, Microsoft has already registered Office.porn and Office.adult," Stuart Lawley, CEO of ICM Registry, which operates the .porn and .adult top-level domains. "The same goes for TaylorSwift.porn and TaylorSwift.adult." Starting in June, "It's first to the buzzer," Lawley said.运营.porn和.adult顶级域名的ICM Registry首席实施官斯图尔特•劳利说说念:“举例,微软还是注册了Office.porn和 Office.adult。TaylorSwift.porn和 TaylorSwift.adult也属于这种情况。”他泄漏,从6月份运行,“这会是第一个大热点。”

It's a smart move for Swift to claim her name before the trolls can, but the pop star has always been business-savvy. She recently trademarked lyrics from her latest album; beat the paparazzi out of a $100,000 payday; and in a controversial move, pulled all her music from Spotify because "piracy, file sharing and streaming have shrunk the numbers of paid album sales drastically."斯威夫特在收集流氓可能会糜掷其姓名之前买下这两个域名可谓理智之举,然而这位流行歌星向来王人是有交易头脑的。最近她为我方最新专辑里的几句歌词注册了商标;同期破碎了狗仔队念念因为她而挣到10万好意思元的妄念念;她还有一个颇具争议性的举措是上原さゆり最新番号,将我方整个的音乐从Spotify下线了,因为“盗版、文献分享和在线播放使其付费专辑的销量大大缩减”。

But note to Swift's team: .Sucks is operated by another company, so it's still available for purchase. The .sucks domains will cost up to $2,500 to buy out.不外,斯威夫特团队要看护:.Sucks域名由另一家公司运营,是以公众照旧不错购买的。而.Sucks域名买断的售价高达2500好意思元。

Before he left office, U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller told ICANN he thought it was "little more than a predatory shakedown scheme" to get businesses to spend big money on defensive domain registrations.好意思国照料员杰伊•洛克菲勒在离任前告诉ICANN,他觉得这“和攫取性曲折计较差未几”,王人是让企业在注册瞩目性域名方面破耗一大笔钱。

But according to CNN Money, "[ICANN] claims that its program to expand gTLDs will be beneficial for all internet users, because descriptive domains, such as .healthcare, .deals, and .amsterdam, help ensure web users arrive at their intended destination."但据CNN财经报说念,“ICANN称这项扩大通用顶级域名情势受益于整个收集用户,因为像.healthcare, .deals, .amsterdam等描述性域名八成匡助收集用户直达预定预备地。”

"To me it's very responsible," said Steve Miholovich, senior vice president of marketing at Safenames, a domain registrar and advisory firm for websites. According to CNN, he added that "another benefit to having more descriptive domains is greater parental control over which websites their children visit. Blocking isn't always as easy for .com adult content sites."域名注册和网站照料公司Safenames市集部副总裁史蒂夫•米霍洛维奇说:“对我来说,这种描述性网站很可靠。”他还对CNN泄漏:“领有更多描述性域名的另一个上风是,父母关于孩子所探望的网站能有更大的掌控。毕竟念念要封堵含有成东说念主骨子的.com网站可不是那么容易的。”








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